Have you ever had to give up everything you worked hard for because of someone else's
wrongdoing? I have and it was the start of my downward spiral.
From very early on I knew that this "whiplash" or "chronic pain" was more than temporary,
I was lucky to find good Doctors and Specialists that would listen and appreciate all the research and effort I put into my own health care. We reached a Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and treated it as such, even though most of the modalities we tried my body didn't respond well too but we still kept trying.
Eventually, Dec 2019 rolled around and after having to spend many weeks and months off in between different job roles, hours, and shifts we collectively had to decide that I could no longer work. I have always been one to make my own way, I only ever relied on myself and to me, it was like taking away my soul.
I had given up my 2 businesses, my Uni degree, work, I could no longer do most activities of daily living without having a severe flare-up and being crippled on the lounge for hours while my children and husband wait on me hand-and-foot.
It was like I had no hope in the world of recovering, no matter how much I tried and this deep and dark hole of misery lasted for approximately 15 months. 15 months of random angry outbursts at my children, crying in pain, and asking why me? I did everything right, why not someone else?
Spending hours in triage because my specialist took me off my pain medication (that I had been on for over 12 months) cold turkey so my body went into heavy withdrawals ( did you know that tramadol withdrawals are the worst, period.) The exhaustion, insomnia, the crawling skin, fainting, restless legs, body temperature irregularity, I could go on but you don't have all day and my hands are sore haha.
One day everything changed, I saw the light and knew it was not the end for me...